HYAS Protect At Home


Laptop version of HYAS Protect At Home

Phishing, malware, and ransomware are on the rise. These and other kinds of cyberattacks are delivered via email or malicious programs that usually use DNS to communicate. HYAS Protect is an industry-leading protective DNS solution specifically designed to detect, block, and protect organizations from these threats. Many organizations around the world use HYAS Protect as both an early warning signal and another line of defense for network protection.

With HYAS Protect At Home, you can protect your home network and benefit from enterprise-grade protections in our limited free package. And you can kick the tires to see how HYAS Protect would perform in your corporate environment … all without the coordination, delays, and official approvals that may be needed to do a formal trial at the office.

Our Protective DNS solution provides:

  • Advanced adversary infrastructure detection – get unparalleled domain-based intelligence to protect your network.
  • Insight into the suspicious and malicious infrastructure communicating with your network.
  • Industry-leading protection over alternative solutions.

Protective DNS is endorsed by CISA and considered a best practice in network security. But not just any protective DNS! Quality matters. We commissioned the esteemed testing house AV-Test to throw everything they had at our protecive DNS solution, HYAS Protect. The result? The highest efficacy rating in the industry! Learn more about the HYAS Protect solution's efficacy in this blog post.

Sign up today to get free access to HYAS Protect At Home! No fees, no hassles, no red tape. By running HYAS Protect At Home, you will benefit from enterprise-grade protection at home while also getting a preview of how it could protect your IT network at the office. Give it a shot, and see what the best Protective DNS solution has to offer!

* HYAS Protect At Home is for non-commercial uses only.