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Bringing threat detection and response capabilities to production networks, cybersecurity company HYAS Infosec is set to release a new, specifically targeted security solution dubbed HYAS Confront.

Aiming to address security issues on cloud-based production networks — which the company defines as the infrastructure behind businesses' outward-facing, revenue-driving applications — the software is designed to continuously monitor traffic to uncover anomalies and enhance risk mitigation … (Read the Full Article)


LOBSHOT’s hVNC Malware Allows Total Access To Windows Devices

LOBSHOT’s hVNC Malware Allows Total Access To Windows Devices

IT Nerd
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Why anomalies in network traffic are key to cybersecurity [Q&A]

Why anomalies in network traffic are key to cybersecurity [Q&A]

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How to Diagnose a Company's Real Problems

David Ratner
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